The message board is restricted to university students only. In order to access the message board please enter the password below. Please note that passwords are case sensitive.
Mae'r bwrdd negeseuon wedi'i gyfyngu i fyfyrwyr prifysgol yn unig. Er mwyn cael mynediad at y bwrdd negeseuon, nodwch y cyfrinair isod. Sylwer bod cyfrineiriau yn sensitif o ran priflythrennau a llythrennau bach.
If you are a student looking to find other students to live with, the Swansea Uni Student Houses Facebook group is a free service, where you can meet and chat with other students who want to live together in the Swansea area.
You can post on the group to find available rooms and flatmates, or to let students know if there is a room spare in your student house.
Os ydych chi'n fyfyriwr sydd am ddod o hyd i fyfyrwyr eraill i fyw gyda nhw, mae grŵp Facebook 'Swansea Uni Student Houses' yn wasanaeth rhad ac am ddim, lle gallwch chi gwrdd a sgwrsio ag eraill sydd eisiau byw ar y cyd yn ardal Abertawe.
Alternatively, you can use the Studentpad Message Board.
The Studentpad Message Board is password protected. Please contact the Accommodation team (Call: 01792 295328 or Email: to verify your student status and receive the password.
Fel arall, gallwch ddefnyddio Bwrdd Negeseuon Studentpad. Mae Bwrdd Negeseuon Studentpad wedi'i warchod gan gyfrinair. Cysylltwch â'r tîm Llety (Ffoniwch: 01792 295101 neu E-bost: i wirio eich statws myfyriwr a derbyn y cyfrinair.